trigger based emails

7 Examples of Trigger Based Marketing Emails That Click

It’s impossible to have an email address today and not receive trigger based marketing emails. The essential factor that connects all trigger based marketing is that they are triggered by a customer or user’s behavior. This sets apart trigger based emails from other email marketing because there is always context and relevance in the offering. We took a look at some of the best examples of trigger based marketing emails we’ve seen over the past year.

The Welcome Email

Okay, every company we know triggers a welcome email. Trigger based marketing for welcome messages helps not just to welcome the user, but also set expectations and serves as a confirmation that there is interest on the receiver’s side. So what’s so different about this one? It has a great value proposition, the promise of an algorithm that will curate a personalized feed based on my interests. It also has a great Call-To-Action – getting you geared towards starting on using the platform almost instantly.

trigger based marketing email


The Progress Update

So you signed up for a course or a program and finished a little bit of it, but then you got lazy and stopped participating. Or maybe you forgot. The great thing about trigger based marketing emails is that they remind you about what you’ve left behind. Dataquest’s email goes one step ahead and mentions to you what you have accomplished over the past week. In this email, it isn’t about nagging you to get back to their website – it is more about celebrating your accomplishments and encouraging you to achieve more. Aww.

trigger based marketing performance

The Feedback Request

Good guy Amazon. They always want to know how I liked a certain product. There’s a reason why they are touted to be one of the best customer service providers in the world. The feedback request is an important email to send to your customers, whether you are a small brand or an ecommerce platform. It is a great way to engage customers a little longer and understand what is working and what isn’t in your product inventory.


The Special Offer

Ask and ye shall receive! Adding a product or item to your wishlist is a good way to express interest yet curtail your spending until you really want or need the product. makes the process simpler, triggering an email to you when any item on your wishlist is on sale. Apart from mentioning your name twice in the same sentence, they’ve got the trigger based marketing for special offers and sales down to a tee.


The Get Started Guide

This Linkedin email  is a bit similar to the welcome email – but offers a lot more information. In just one email Linkedin manages you to a) Welcome you to the group
b) Show you a topic of discussion you could contribute to
c) Tell you the rules of the group
d) Introduce you to your moderators

Pretty effective, right?

trigger based marketing boomtrain lens


The Friendly Reminder

Granted, this isn’t the most well designed email I’ve received. Yet, the message is clear and there are multiple CTAs to motivate me to get started. What sets this email apart from the one sent is that this one is not based on a product I favourited or wishlisted. Instead, this is a well-timed trigger to remind me about something I need and use every day – my contact lenses. Lesson: Trigger based marketing emails don’t always need to be instant or immediate. They can be triggered after months, and still be very effective.

friendly reminder boomtrain lenskart

The Feature Unlock

You use an app or product, you unlock a new feature and that triggers an email. This might not always be appreciated if you know exactly what you’re doing and don’t need the help. However, if you are a little confused and are wondering what the possibilities are with this feature – this is a perfect way to get the explaining started. SumoMe does this perfectly with their email that explains their ‘Share’ app and how to get the best out of it.

feature unlock


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