email acquisition

The Relevancy Group: Email Acquisition at Scale: Strategies, Tactics and Benchmarks for Growth 2019

Email is driving a greater percentage of revenue for brands and marketers, learn how to stay relevant with new email acquisition strategies. 

Email is more important for marketers today than ever before. Consumers are responding to email from brands and marketers at higher rates this year than last year. In addition, email is driving a greater percentage of revenue as well – over 20 percent for mean survey respondents. Adding new emails to the top of the funnel is a top priority for marketers across business verticals who rely on a wide variety of tactics to drive acquisition. Marketers who focus on driving true email opt-ins with affirmative consent to join a program are better positioned than those who rely on lower quality sources like coregistration and list purchase. Brands and marketers must actively manage email acquisition programs. Many would benefit by following The Relevancy Group’s M-A-P [Measure, Align, Partner] process to develop more efficient and effective programs. 


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